Dear every Christian in every pointless argument with any other Christian about Christianity ever:
John 5:39-40.
Look it up.
Yeah. Lookin' at you there, chief.
While we're at it, Titus 3:9.
So knock it off, OK?
You're a Christian, that other person is a Christian, I'm a Christian, we're all Christians... maybe we don't have to fight tooth and nail over translations of the Bible.
Or instruments.
Or the exact point in your acceptance of Jesus Christ at which you will be allowed into heaven if you die before (finishing the prayer/baptism/first communion/first time you mess up passing out communion).
I'm not saying that there aren't issues of doctrine that are worth correcting, because there are. You can't, for instance, sacrifice your children to Molech as a Christian. Yes, I know, it's an OT law, but still, it's not a good thing to do once you're trying to follow Jesus.
You know what is a good Jesus-following thing to do? Not being a nitpicky twerp. That is a very Jesus-like characteristic that it would really behoove a lot of us to develop.
Let's try to maybe focus on the big picture for a minute, OK?
Despite whatever differences of belief may exist between you and your brother from the congregation across the street, they're minute. I promise you, they are teeny tiny. Especially when compared with the differences between your beliefs and the beliefs of everyone else in the overwhelmingly vast majority of the world who isn't a Christian at all.
If we can't even talk amongst ourselves civilly, how are we ever going to bring those lost in the world in to the Kingdom?
I have never understood how people can argue so much about what the Bible says while completely ignoring what the Bible means.
Forest for the trees, man. Forest for the ding-danged ol' TREES.
Look, I just... I saw some things, I had concerns... I promise, I still Matthew 22:34-40 you, but you just gotta stop being such a Numbers 22:21-41.