I hate Superman.
Oh, dear sweet goodness, do I hate Superman.
In the interest of fairness and full disclosure, I need to point out that I specifically hate what Superman has become today.
The original Superman - June 1938, Action Comics #1 - wasn't bad. Not my favorite by any stretch, but definitely better than what we've got now. I absolutely love the 1941-1943 Fleischer/Famous Studios Superman cartoons, but that's partly the animation nerd in me showing. Same thing goes for Superman: The Animated Series: if it was just another Superman cartoon, I'd skip it completely. But since it's from Bruce Timm and all the other guys that made the Batman series, well, then, I've got no choice but to own the entire thing on DVD. I mean, really... No choice. What choice do I have? None!
But Superman as he exists today... Yeah, not a fan.
I'm gonna do you a favor and skip over a lot of my nerd rage here and just bring up a couple of quick things that will hopefully at least help you understand why I hate Superman. So the quick version is this - 1) Superman is so powerful it's downright stupid, and 2) Superman is so morally pure and good that he makes for some really, really, really boring stories.
As I'm sure you know, since Superman is unfortunately one of the select few superheroes who has been chosen for universal recognition outside of the world of comics, Superman isn't actually human - he's a Kryptonian. His home planet of Krypton was destroyed years ago, and young Kal-El (Superman's real Kryptonian name) was stuck in an interplanetary escape pod, crash landing outside of a farm in Smallville, Kansas, to be raised by his adoptive parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent. Since Krypton orbited a red sun and our earth orbits a yellow sun, as Clark Kent grew into manhood, he discovered he had powers far beyond those of mortal men. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive... You know all of this.
But the point is that there are other powers that Superman has in the comics that just kinda stop making sense. For instance... Superman not only has X-Ray vision, but he can see radio waves if he squints. This is a silly thing. Seriously. Radio waves. Squinting.
And that's not all! Because Superman has been spending so much time absorbing all of the yellow radiation from our sun, Kryptonite doesn't even slow him down anymore. The only way to make Superman vulnerable to any sort of physical harm is to bathe him in the light of a red sun - and how many red suns do you have lying around, hmmm?
Even his hair is bulletproof.
But an indestructible character is not necessarily an uninteresting character. It's the addition of the super-duper good guy persona that makes Superman so intolerable to me. No matter what Lex Luthor does - from kidnapping Lois Lane and holding her hostage in the heart of a volcano to brainwashing Jimmy Olsen to become a Superman-hating hippie (both of these things happened) - Superman never gets angry, never gets out of control, never shows emotion beyond a stern disapproval of Luthor's naughty ways.
And that gets boring.
Sure, there's all sorts of drama about how he never knew his real parents, and his entire planet was blown up, and he's the last of his race...
But then there's also the bottle city of Kandor (an entire city from Krypton shrunk down to the size of a snow globe), Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), General Zod and the other surviving Kryptonian villains from the Phantom Zone, Krypto the superdog, Streaky the supercat, Comet the superhorse, and Beppo the supermonkey, because why not?
So no matter what happens to Superman, unless Lois Lane were to actually die, none of it matters, at all, because at the end of the day, he can still punch his way out of whatever death trap he's in and then smile for the camera when he snatches Jimmy Olsen from the claws of the Thanagarian snare-beast or whatever inane crap it is this week. (For those of you who care, check out Kingdom Come for an alternate-future story where Lois in fact is killed by the Joker, and Superman is for once an interesting character.)
I have a point with all of this, and it's not just to indoctrinate you into my way of thinking about arguably the most popular superhero of all time.
What I want you to think about now is how many Christians you know (maybe including even you yourself) who try to present an image of themselves as being like Superman.
It has become an epidemic: some Christians in today's world are trying to convince the rest of us - and even themselves - that they are bulletproof, that they are above reproach, that they are without weakness in any shape, form, or fashion. They have (rightly) taken God's grace into their lives and realized that they have been forgiven of all of their sins, but then have also (wrongly) used that as an excuse for a stand-offish superiority.
One of the stereotypical scenes put into just about every media translation of Superman ever is the image of Superman foiling a robbery in progress and the bad guys wasting all of their ammunition firing into Superman's impenetrable chest as he stands stock still, an ever-vigilant guardian of goodness and pretty hair.
Sometimes some Christians try to convince people around them that they're the same as Superman - bulletproof, immovable, never-failing, never-faltering...
And that's just wrong.
If there's anything that Jesus was trying to teach us throughout His ministry, it's that God is Good and we aren't. We miss it. We miss it by miles. And it is only through a confession of that missing it that we ever get any closer.
And it's not good enough to just say "Well, I'm not perfect." We've actually got to be willing to open up to God and to each other and confess - BY NAME! - our sins.
I have something of a problem with lust and pornography. I am unbelievably arrogant at times. (Believably arrogant at others.) I pass judgment on people with little to no hesitation just because they don't act or look like me - and most of the time, I'm judging them for (possibly) judging others who do act or look like me. How's THAT for awesome?
I could go on, but those are the three it's hardest for me to actually own up to, so I think you're getting the picture.
The purpose of our redemption in Christ is not to transform us from sinner to super saint so we can stand firm in our goodness and watch the bullets of sin and darkness just ping! and ftwang! off of our perfectly chiseled pecs. In fact, it is that very mindset of thinking that our righteousness is so secure that we're impervious to the attacks of Satan that will land us directly in the enemy's camp in no time.
So don't do that.
If you pay attention to what Mary is saying in Luke 1:46-55, you'll see a lot of the "theology of reversal" - God opposes the proud but lifts up the humble, fills the hungry but sends the rich away empty... This is an invaluable peek into what it means to actually seek the Heart of God. It is only through assuming a correct relationship with God and man that we can actually enter into a blessed relationship with God or man.
We are residing as aliens in this world, which means that we're definitely not supposed to be like everyone else down here, but in our uniqueness from the earth, we've also got to be willing to be a part of it. We are to keep ourselves pure from the pollution of the world, but we're also supposed to reach out to the world in efforts to bring them to God. In order to do any of this, we have to admit our own weakness - total, complete, ground-up, all-consuming, inevitable weakness - and rely fully, wholly, entirely, and solely upon God. Nothing else works. Ever.
Weakness is strength and strength is weakness. The exalted will be humbled and the humble will be exalted. The first will be last and the last will be first. The sooner we all get that idea into our heads and start living it out on a daily basis by treating everyone we ever come into contact with as being more important than ourselves, then the sooner we can get the world closer to something of a respectable condition so we don't have to be embarrassed when Jesus comes back and sees the total mess we've made of things since He left.
(Also - anybody who makes any lame Superman/Jesus comparison in the comments is gonna get mocked. Just warning you now.)
Well I think that Superman and Je.... oh wait... nevermind.
ReplyDeleteSeriously though you're a really talented writer! Congrats on your Oregon job. Also this
"...I'm judging them for (possibly) judging others who do act or look like me. How's THAT for awesome?" is the most ridiculous thing ever, and I know so 'cause I does it. Ugh :) Well every little bit of change helps so I'll be continuing to work on that.. and my less than perfect hair...
I have found myself looking forward to your postings. I basically never post but have found them to be thought provoking and vulnerable. Those folks in Oregon are mighty lucky that God sent you their way.
ReplyDeleteI actually didn't get the job. Spoke too soon. The church decided to just not hire anybody.
ReplyDeleteWith so many stupidities about the concept of superman to explore (you have made some good points at the beginning), you've managed to make this about religion.
ReplyDeleteSo sad
I know how u feel. theyre making up to be some sort of god. I mean lifting @ Quintillion tons. superman is gay. batman all the way. i just like hiw his character represents angst according to the author and superman represents hope
ReplyDeleteOk as one who doesn't read comics since i was a kid, I like Superman as Smallville portayed it, absolutely loved it. They had great actors and an amazing Jonathon Kent and Martha Kent. But I'll leave that to another day. I love your analogy on Christianity and the things you brought up about lust and pornography are sins I struggle with dearly but are improving. Thank you for this post
ReplyDeleteYou hate Superman for no reason basically. Your issue is with Bible thumpers who think they're better than you. Superman doesn't relate to Christianity or Religion at all. Not even close. And boring? He was the first of the best. He can fly, move planets around, hold black holes, lift 200 quintillion tons with one hand, and kick Goku's ass. You Superman haters look up some ridiculous, obscure thing about Superman and point it out to try and make him seem worse than he is. We can do this with every single comic character. Marvel has a whole universe of animal characters that all represent their human/mutant counter part. Spider-Ham anyone? How about Red Skull taking Xavier's brain? Seriously, there are many great Superman graphic novels, including the death of Superman/Funeral/Return. Don't talk about what you don't understand. You are just ignorant when it comes to Superman.
ReplyDeleteYou, my anonymous friend, like bad comics.
ReplyDeleteI agree in the fact that hes a boring superhero because hes over powered and is to much of a "goody goody" however i don't see how Christianity has anything to do with it p.s im not Christan . For the record i think hes okay in comics with other characters e.g superman/batman and is okay in comics where hes the bad guy e.g injustice gods among us comics. This is my opinion anyway im aware loads people like him and thats fair enough
ReplyDeleteSuperman's public persona *has* to appear above board ( or "goody-goody" as you choose to insult him) at all times or he couldn't be tolerated by a world of human beings.
ReplyDeleteThe second he shows weakness or flaws, the world would turn on him in an instant. That makes for a great set of stories right there.
Superman is not a god of any kind but a human being who chooses to do good to the best of his ability. Not out of childhood innocence or psychotic naivete, but because he really believes in it. That is a hard thing to do and is kind of a super-power in of itself (and yet another source of great stories).
That's why people want to follow Superman. If a guy who could destroy most anyone literally with a glance can choose to be good, then within their own limits they could too.
Experience has shown us that "perfect" people usually become arrogant and abusive-- like the perfect blue-bloods on Wall Street who greedily swindle those who don't have the same connections, jocks who use their strength and popularity to diminish weaker people, or beautiful women who treats others with disdain because they don't look as good or refuse to kiss their ring.
Superman by all accounts has everything, but he unselfishly cares for the weak and wealthy alike. What's not to like about that quality? Does it somehow make you feel inferior?
Doing the right thing can be frustratingly tough for anyone, especially someone with the power of Superman. The temptation to force things is overwhelming to resist.
There are hundreds of stories to be told about this one thing. There's always drama and conflict, and Superman has to figure out a way to succeed-- just like any other hero's story.
And don't forget the action only a superhero like Superman can provide. There are tons of villains in Superman's weight class and the fights are spectacular. Superman wins those fights using the imagination and planning you'd expect from a protagonist.
As for Deux Ex Machina-- exactly what story are you referring to (and don't bring up some story from a simpler time)? Very few (if any) stories in the thousands that have been told have Superman walking up to the bad guy, knocking him out, and roll credits.
There have always been the "cute" stories (Bat-Mite anyone?) where Batman saves the day with a bat-gadget from his utility belt or Spiderman leaves sticky webbing on the bad guy's chair. Superman has his share of these (Myxzptlk, super-dog, etc.). Haters cling to these though they're just a tiny percentage of the whole.
you could have spared all that stuff about Jesus, and you haven't. That's a laugh.
ReplyDelete...the blog is ABOUT Jesus, champ...
Deletewhy. is religion even a factor to this superman has nothing to do with religion and your being stupid to be pointing fingers at people for there faith. if you don't like religion destroy the book that made. it. in the first place but remember people don't forget and they don't always forgive when you stomp on peoples faith. its like stomping on who they are would you like. it. if I started making fun of your faith and bashing. it and calling. it stupid and. if people feel unstoppable. I am sure superman had everything to do with. IT. and if you cant tell. I am being sarcastic fuck superman people are unstoppable when they put there mind to something. its just that other people can slow you down but they cant stop you unless they kill you and we both no that if you kill someone your life stops all together because you have to suffer behind bars or always watch your back for a bullet that you no has your name on it
ReplyDeleteaaron is a fat guy, he has to bash supes cos of his insecurities. he wanks batgod. and he has no girlfriends cos hes fat ROFL
ReplyDeletecry more fat aaron