So apparently I just dreamed telling people this, and I'm very sorry, but I could have sworn I said something about it...
I'll be in Texas by the time you read the next post.
Got some things I that need taken care of before I leave, so I've been working on my To-Do list.
Here's what I've got so far:
- Laundry
- Packing
- A sincere, honest, piercing look into my own soul to address the weaknesses I find there by bringing them to God in earnest prayer
I need to be better about not condescending to atheists for their beliefs.
I need to read more of the Bible more often instead of just re-reading the parts I feel good about because they don't challenge me as much as they challenge everybody else that I think is getting it wrong. I still mess up, so there are some things I need to be reading more often.
I need to remember that even if my argument is theologically, philosophically, and cosmologically airtight - if it's an argument on Facebook, it probably doesn't matter.
I need to be more consistent in my prayer life.
I need to find the right balance between "genuinely engaging others around me in thoughtful, respectful conversations about faith and metaphysics" and "standing on the corner outside Walgreens with a megaphone, a KJV Bible, and 14 kids dressed like the Amish and holding protest signs." Just crazy enough that I'll get noticed, but not so crazy that I'm immediately written off as a complete nut.
I need to hold on to the confidence of speaking the Truth through the Spirit of God instead of doubting myself as soon as things get hard.
I need to truly accept that some people just won't believe, no matter how persuading a case I present.
I need to continue to love people that just won't believe.
I need to wait for God's plans to come to fruition in His own time instead of insisting that everything happen now if not sooner.
I need to remember that even the Pharisees were trying to please God. Assigning villainy where there is merely ignorance does not lead to loving conversations.
I need to realize that it's OK for other people to not think I'm right so long as I'm right with God, but more importantly, that it's OK for me to not think they're right so long as they're right with God, too.
I need to make sure that the things that I claim to do for God are still being done for God and not doing it just to do it.
I need to focus on now.
I need to Love God.
I need to Love Others.
I need to put another load in.
Lovin this!