Hi! Been a while. Sorry.
I have a journal (still blank) that I got for Christmas a few years back. The cover of it reads something like, "Don't write because you want to say something; write because you have something to say."
I haven't really had anything to say since January.
I've got a lot of things to say now, but it's taking me a while to get it out. Rest assured, it's coming. (Like there are ANY of you left reading this!)
The last time I posted, things were rough.
Things are now WAY better. Thank you for your prayers, love, and goodness.
Big big big big big big thing in my life right now: Annie and I are applying for a CARES Team Apartment Life ministry. The way we see it, this would be the perfect launching pad for everything we already want to do in our marriage, and a natural extension of everything I have been doing since I moved to Texas. I have made my life here about reaching out to those who have not been reached. Some have not even been reached out to in the first place. I wanna go get 'em. And with God's help, I have and will continue to do so.
So pray for that, if you would please!
I do have a job now. It is very boring. If I were to write about it, it would bore you. So just know that I have a job, and that it is good enough for now, because it is better than nothing at all. It could be better. But it isn't worse. So that's great.
Amberland is coming up in a hair over a month. That's kind of a big deal. Wedding is also coming up. Kind of a bigger deal.
I asked for help with this back before the New Year because I needed help, and I got help, so I'm asking again because I could use some help. Amberland is all the way in Georgia, which is quite a stretch from Texas, and gasoline is hovering just under $4.00. We could use some gas money.
Last year, Corwin and my sister came with me (along with a whole other mess of people) for their first time. They'll be back with me this year, along with Annie for her first year. This is my third. I've served communion two years in a row now, and I plan to keep it going. Last year, Corwin and Lyn helped me reach out to more people than I could on my own by speaking to them in Truth and showering them in Love. Annie's along to help us do more. She already met a chunk of people at the New Year's Eve run, and planted seeds along the way.
I performed a wedding last year. I can't even begin to tell you the number of people who wanted to talk to "the preacher" after that. And not just for the rest of that weekend, but even months afterward. In October, I met a guy at a show in Austin who wasn't even at Amberland last year but had heard about the wedding and wanted to talk to "the preacher." At the New Year's shows, there were dozens of people who remembered "the preacher."
The groundwork is done. The foundation is laid. The seeds are planted. Things are starting to grow.
I want to be able to keep working. If you can help me out with gas, please, hit up the PayPal donation thing. To your right. Yellow button. Says "HELP A BROKE DUDE" right above it.
Corwin, Annie and I are all volunteering this year, so we get into the festival for free. We can eat cheap. All we need is the gas to get there. If you can help, please, please, please do. This is my field. These are my people. God has called me to go to them, and go to them I must. I trust Him to provide. I just want to make sure I offer you an opportunity to help Him out.
So also pray for Amberland, if you would!
And now I just want to ask a few questions, and I really hope you'll bless me with a response.
When has there been a time in your life that God drastically changed you for the better? What happened? Did it hurt?
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