Monday, September 10, 2012

On the Theological Import of Cheese

My wife and I were in Whole Foods not too long ago. As we wandered through the store, Annie went looking for some olive juice shampoo and pine sap conditioner, but I wound up lingering by the cheese.

I didn't mean to lose her. It just happened. The cheese guy was behind the counter, and I wanted to sample... everything. The smoked chipotle Gruyere looked amazing, and then there was the honey-infused farmer's cheese, and then the cranberry Wensleydale, and the horseradish cheddar, and the double Gloucester, and goodness... the cheese.

I turned to offer Annie a sample of whatever glorious fromage had just graced my mouth and was surprised to find that she was not there.

So did she leave me? Or did I just get left behind because I was distracted?

How often do I get distracted from God by cheese? (Very.)

As you might have deduced by the state of this blog, my spiritual life has been somehwat dry as of late. Is that God's fault? Did He stop loving me? Did He stop blessing me with each and every step I take? Did He decide He no longer has a direct interest in my life?

Or did I just get distracted by the cheese?

Things get hard in life sometimes. Annie and I don't know where we're going to be living come next month. Shouldn't I still be focused on God?

I have fallen farther behind in my spiritual walk than I am really comfortable admitting to myself. But it's entirely because I got distracted by the cheese.

I got (get) so worked up about the things in the world that I can't even do anything about and it distracts me. I lose my focus on God and put it on frivolities.

I don't want to do that anymore. I had a thriving, brilliant relationship with God not so very long ago... and I've let the mundane fluff of the world pull me away from that. And my goodness, there's just so much of it.

Annie and I could use some prayers. This coming month will be hard for us. But the biggest thing I'd like to ask you to pray for is that I find my focus again. That I can remember where God is and stop being distracted. I've forgotten so many things that I held close and fast in my mind and heart. I just am not where I used to be, and it's because I got distracted.

So... there's that.

1 comment:

  1. I just found this post while looking something up for a seminary project; God bless you brother. Hope things are going better and a bit settled down now that you're 4 months out of this post.
