Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I don't know what to say anymore.

I feel like writing is the only thing* I'm very good at, and I also feel like I've completely forgotten how to do it.

I used to update this once a week, never missed a beat.

I used to write a humor column at least once every two weeks for my college newspaper.

I also used to pray daily.

I don't really do any of these things anymore.

It's so... humbling to remember that God isn't the one who left.

I'm facing some crossroads in my life, trying to find a new direction for Annie and I to go in. (This new direction will hopefully include gainful employment for me. Also, I got fired back in October.)

But the biggest thing I've got to do, no doubt, is regain my focus.

I have allowed the detritus of the world to distract me from the Glory.

Sooooooooooooooooo...  Gotta stop doin' that, I guess...

Pray for me.

* - Well, OK, the only thing that isn't, you know, totally useless. Somebody find me a job as a never-ending source for entirely useless trivia, and I'll be set for life.

1 comment:

  1. Same Post as last time, just different time. How about this, just be yourself and don't be blaming yourself and you'd be surprised where life and God within will lead you. It isn't about being Christian, it's more of being Spiritual for yourself. Don't worry about every little things that distracts you. Mediate/ pray and give thanks instead of asking for things. Just give thanks for what you have and are being blessed with. Pray outward not pray inwards.... I hope I make sense....
