Christopher Dos Santos said... Okay here we go...
I normally would not reach out to one who is so religious. However your prime focus is the dedication to truth with a capital T. So here goes let us see if your mind is open.
You and your followers believe God created the universe. You see God as separate from yourself in judgment of your actions. of course the actual weighing is to be done by Saint Peter. This aside you believe in heaven and hell accepting your savior Lord Jesus Christ to bestow his benevolence upon your soul.
I do not believe in a God who created the universe. Instead I choose to believe in a God who became the universe. The distinction is significant as I do not worship God, saints, Jesus or anything. Instead I understand that I AM GOD, as are you. Jesus, in speaking with his disciples taught us that he, like us, are the divine essence of the ONE GOD.
Furthermore there is nothing in manifest reality which is NOT GOD. The tree, the planet, the universe, the dog, all IS GOD. Seeing the world through the lens of false ego we tend to believe we are the body. We are not the body, in fact the body only exists as a illusion. The reality we perceive as real is in fact much more akin to a fractal matrix of energy. We are consciousness, our being is eternal. We perceive time to exist therefore we are under the illusion of death. Death is not real, you will never die my brother because you were never born. You are GODSELF consciousness existing eternally in the moment of NOW.
My brother Aaron and followers, an open mind is like and open door it is very inviting. If you or your followers desire to debate religion, philosophy, science, health, reality, illusion or my favorite topic UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND ONENESS then I am at your disposal.
Namaste, my brethren, from a book of fear Jesus teaches unconditional love....
That was on the 1st of October. Yesterday, I got another comment:
Christopher Dos Santos said... Truth with a capital T. No rebuttal, no discourse! Could it be truth with a sub case t? Or possibly only the truths you agree with? Open minds and open hearts working together. Jesus tells us
" Let only those with ears hear. "
In Lak' esh, my brother, with love
So, Christopher, if you're reading... This is for you, brother.
I am, as you said, interested in "truth with a capital T."
And while I appreciate your offer, I'm gonna stick with my Truth over here. In fact, I would encourage you to reconsider this Truth, as I happen to believe it to be the only one that actually deserves the capital-T treatment.
The Truth as I see it is that there is only one God. There is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus, the Messiah foretold to the Hebrews even from the time of Abraham.
Do I have a portion of God dwelling inside me? Oh, certainly, I believe I do. The Holy Spirit is a miraculous gift that guides me through the dark spots and helps me share the bright ones, and I believe it to be the Spirit of God Himself blessing me with His presence, His wisdom, His understanding, His peace... Yeah. I've got God inside.... But it's not because of who I am, it's because of who the I AM is.
I visited your website, Christopher, and I even read through to your first post, and... dude... I...
No. Just no, man.
Just no.
From that first post:
1. I AM GOD, everything is God, God is love. There is nothing else. 2. You will never die, time is only an illusion. 3. Past and future are functions of the ego, there is only the NOW. 4. All expressions are love; murder, rape, war, genocide, feeding the poor, comforting a friend, saving someone in peril, dancing under the stars, there is only love. 5. To value one expression as better or worse than another is to allow the ego to separate you from your true self as God. You are your brother's keeper because you are your brother. 6. We are not here to chase riches, wealth is found in sharing our essence, sharing love. 7. Fear is the grandest of illusions the ego will use to keep you captive and separate from oneness. All is God so what could there possibly be for you to fear? 8. Want and need are illusions, the ego wishes for us to express our reality in a dream world thus creating distractions to godliness. We are God, God is everything so what could we possibly need? 9. Judgement, anger, hate, are expressions of the ego used to again separate us from the reality of our Godliness. Would you be angry with your nose because it was dirty, would you yell at your nose or cut it off because it had a freckle, all is God so why should we want to kill or hate our brother? 10. Very soon, in our lifetime, there will be a revolution of love, we will unite as one. Money, possessions, jobs, all the trappings of the ego will dissolve exposing a new Eden on earth. No want, no need, no hate, no prisons, no laws or police, no government nor borders JUST GOD. JUST LOVE. I understand these truths, but still I am trapped by the ego, I gently remind myself all day everyday that I am God. I make mistakes, treat people bad, hate some and fear others.
So "all expressions" - including murder, rape, and genocide - are love (point 3), and to value one "expression" over another - say, comforting a friend over war - is valuing ego over the one true God (point 5), but judgment, anger and hate are bad (point 9) in the same way that thinking that genocide isn't exactly loving?
Or what about this, from your post Rape and murder....of the ego?
If you perceive rape and murder to be bad or evil acts then I maintain that you are not succeeding in the quest to understand reality of being.
I would instead put forth the idea that if you don't perceive rape and murder to be bad or evil, then you are not succeeding in the quest to understand basic love at all. Is murder love? Is rape love?
Or what about this one?
All moments of the NOW are Godly moments, fear and hate are merely aspects of the one, which is love.
So fear and hate are really just parts of love? Really? Love, the Divine action of seeking the good of others above the good of yourself, contains within itself fear and hatred?
But where I really have to disagree with you, and the final point I'm going to bring up from your blog, is this:
Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha or any sage would teach you that all that is perceived is an expression of one, call it God, or love if you prefer.
That's just straight up wrong, brother.
I will confess ignorance when it comes to the teachings of the Buddha, and I'm not quite up to snuff on the teachings of Mohammed, either. But Jesus... Yeah, I know Jesus. And Jesus definitely did not teach that "all that is perceived is an expression of one," whether you call it God or not.
Jesus taught that He was God made flesh, that He was the right hand of the Eternal, that He was the only one - the only one - that fully realized and actualized what it means to be fully human and simultaneously fully Deity.
Make no mistake, Jesus is very clear - He's God. We're not.
And that is why I believe in Jesus Christ. I can trust a God who tells me exactly what I am - a screw-up. I can trust a God who shows me what Love actually is - others before myself. I can trust a God who understands that my failures are inevitable, Loves me through them anyway, provides me a chance to know and seek Him, and helps me be less like me and more like Him - perfect.
I don't just believe it because I read a book that said it. I don't just believe it because I was brought up in a family that talked about it. I believe it because it's real. I believe it because my life is radically different as a direct result of my decision to place ALL of my life's direction in the hands of my Creator. And why shouldn't I? I am, after all, the creation.
Look... I don't want to sound like I think I have all the answers. I don't.
And you'd have to look pretty far and wide to find people who agree more with the idea that "what's right for you may not be right for me" and vice versa. If you've been paying attention, you know that I've written about that very idea a few times.
But man... Some things are just real.
Love is real.
Evil is real.
God is real.
And our choice - our very real choice - to accept Him or deny Him has very real consequences for this life as well as the next.
I'm sorry if that seems arrogant, but how can I tell you any different? I am not telling you something that I came up with, I am not telling you something that I feel, I am not telling you something that I think works for me but might not work for everybody.
I am telling you the Truth. Capital T and all.
I have always made it a point not to throw down the "I know Greek and Hebrew" card in my preaching. You are able to do similar things with comics, and yes, it is really hard to watch someone put their ignorance on display without correcting them. I enjoyed the post. There are some things that are True, whether or not we like them.
ReplyDeleteI used to work with a guy who decided to be an atheist. We (my co-workers and I) used to have really big religious discussions. He popped into one of them about Hell and said, "I don't have to worry about Hell. I just decided that I don't believe in it, so it's not a problem." My non-Christian co-workers all agreed with the reasoning of my response: "You might also choose not to believe that electric socket has any power running to it, but stick your finger in it and you might find out otherwise. Believing something doesn't make it so."
Hopefully we will be the kind of people who are caring in how we possess and teach what is true. It is sad how many people have gotten turned off to the message because of the flaws of the messengers.
Hello Aaron, nice to stop by. I am a little tired from work so I will offer this small preface to a blog I wrote last year called
ReplyDelete" Here Comes The Judge." To further express my position you can refer to the aforementioned blog. I chose this blog because I feel the greatest disconnect we have with our philosophy is the concept of ONENESS.
(Looks like it is too long)
Part # 1.
Our reality is expressed as a duality, no one could argue this fact. There is no concept of hot without a reflection of cold. Up cannont be understood without a concept of down. More to the point, good cannot be experienced without the realisation of evil. Love cannot be known without the presence of hate. All reality is dualistic. The reason for this is rather straight forward. God wished to experience being. Yes my brother, there is only one God. And most certainly the parables of Jesus ( if understood ) represent divine truth.
From this agreed mantle you and I can both call Jesus a Messiah( bringer of truth, with a capital T ). We part company in ideology Aaron when you trust in the words of the bible to suggest God MADE you.
I believe God became you. If however, we push aside this difference, and focus on accepting the reality that GOD is responsible for all manifest reality then we can procede.
If you believe all reality is made by God then you must accept that the will of God resides in all manifest reality. It is God's will therefore that murder should be an option. Rape and adultry are options. You must grant me a concession which stipulates God allows man to choose all aspects of this dualistic reality. God does not step in and say " don't pull that trigger my son."
Christians believe God sacrificed his only begotten son, Jesus. So that man may be redeemed for his sins. Jesus, gave his very existence so that your soul may be saved Aaron. Have you ever asked yourself why God required the sacrifice of his only son to offer a path for your salvation? Why could God, in his omnipotence, not offer salvation to lost souls of his own accord? Why was it necessary to sacrifice his only son? In fact it makes much more sense to accept that God chose to experience, therfore God became the universe.
Continued:Part # 2.
ReplyDeleteIf we see all expression of manifest reality to be God then we release all judgment, we turn the other cheek. We covet not our neighbors posessions. We cast not the first stone, we are the true keeper of all brethren. We do not desire, and we do not fear. We understand all is sacred.
These words I speak Aaron are of complete unity with the all. I speak only of unconditional love. You understand that you are Aaron and I am Christopher. Aaron likes Jesus and Taco Bell and Christopher science and spirituality.
I see that you and I are not two different people. I do not see you as separate from me. I see you as an expression of eternal consciousness. You are GOD, I AM GOD we are experiencing being, we will continue to do so eternally. Ego sees only separation and GodSelf sees only ONE. I am not better or worse than you. I am no more good or evil.
Imagine this philosophy residing in the hearts of all mankind. Do you not agree Aaron we would only choose love if we maintained such truth. truth with such a big capital T could only create love, right Aaron? Do you not also agree Aaron, that Jesus would want all mankind to treat each other with this level of acceptance, non judgement, love and unity? Or if you feel Jesus would rather only a select few chosen Christians (144,000 to be exact) should be worthy to love each other unconditionally.
Acts like rape and murder give us an opportunity to release judgment offer acceptance and choose for ourselves a path to embrace the other part of duality, unconditional love. Without the dark we could not perceive the light. Without the experience of dark we could not learn to choose the experience of light. We must know all, to experience all.
This does not mean we choose rape or murder or that we accept it for our own. Just that it must exist until all mankind finds ONENESS AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. I wrote more than I expected, but I will still add the blog below to further illustrate my point. I appreciate you posting my response and taking the time to request a rebuttal. By posting my thoughts it illustrates how comfortable you are with your faith. I look forward to your response.
Namaste, my brother Aaron, duality is a divine expression....
Christopher -
ReplyDeleteLet me take issue with one thing that you're hanging most of your argument on, and then we can take it from there.
"Our reality is expressed as a duality, no one could argue this fact. There is no concept of hot without a reflection of cold. Up cannont be understood without a concept of down. More to the point, good cannot be experienced without the realisation of evil. Love cannot be known without the presence of hate."
I'm with you up until your assertion that good cannot be known without evil, and love cannot be known without hate. This is a faulty idea, as I see it, and here's why.
Good can be good for its own sake. Evil, however, cannot be evil for its own sake. If we take away the moral understandings of good and evil and instead look at "right" and "wrong" as it would be considered in the right or wrong way to do a math problem, we can see a little better what I'm talking about here.
It is entirely possible to have a math problem solved correctly - the right and good way - without ever knowing a single one of the infinite number of possible wrong answers. However, it is only possible to know that an answer is wrong if the right answer is also known.
I'm with you that we've got to get humanity focused on unconditional love. But where you once again lose me is the idea that I am God, that you are God, that you are me and I am you.
Without dark we in fact can perceive light just fine. But it is only when we have lived our lives entirely in darkness that we have no concept of light OR darkness.
Hello Aaron, good to see we are making some common ground. Let me deal with these trivial obstacles. The problem you are having with my argument is just in the way you are reading my message.
ReplyDeleteWhen I say good cannot be know without evil, I mean that good is merely a contrast of the duality of evil. Therefore a person can know good without ever in their life choosing evil. However, this experience of the good person being good is a choice. Theoretically this person could, if he/she chose, select evil. Conversely a person who is evil has the contrast of good that he/she may choose. In your religion this philosophy is the cornerstone for the concept of forgiveness and salvation.
Morality has no say in this subject, all expressions are based in dualistic choice. However, if you wish we can apply this reasoning to your math problem. One who has calculated the right answer to a math problem has merely chosen the correct answer forsaking all possible wrong answers that were available to him/her. This individual may or may not be able to appreciate or know the plethora of possible wrong answers but this does not discount the fact all possibilities are present to choose from. Ergo when we look at love and hate we may apply the same laws of duality. Love can be understood as a choice. You may chose to love me, remain indifferent to me or hate me. As you slide up and down this scale of duality there is always choice. You could theoretically choose love in all moments of your entire reality, the parables of Jesus tell us this was his primary message. If you had chosen such a path wonderful, but it does not negate the fact that in the world there is evil to choose from. So when I say love cannot be known without hate, I mean that as one has the possibility to choose love this same individual could equally choose love. Love cannot exist without the reflection of hate does not in any way mean that in order to choose love you must have at some time chosen and experienced hate just that you could have. If there is an emotion of love there MUST by natural extension and the law of duality be an emotion of hate.
Regarding the fact the you and I, the desk we sit at, the computer we read these words on and the words themselves are GOD. Remember the greatest deviation between your religion and my spirituality is in how we perceive creation to have occurred. You believe God created the multiverse separate from his/her divinity. I believe God BECAME the universe, manifesting his/her greatness forthe purpose of the experience of being. I have been very careful not to rip into the bible, as I respect your faith. However I would be remiss not to mention that all aspects of scientific knowledge from archeology to quantum physics prove beyond all detailed scrutiny that the concept of creation as expressed in the bible is fundamentally impossible. However, advanced science can pack an auditorium full of PHD geniuses which unequivocally prove scientifically the spiritual truth of ONENESS.
For your reference this is the science I speak of. You can educate yourself on the ramification of these topics on my site using the 300 free videos I have available.
Quantum Reality
Atomic consciousness
The miracle of water
The biology of the Cell
Sacred and Fractal Geometry
Fibonacci Sequence
Schumann Resonance
The Global Noosphere
Intention experiments
The placebo effect
I see God in your heart my friend. I know you are God. We both want the same thing, we are one in heart.
Namaste, my brother, there is only love, all else is illusion....
Christopher - First off, I've got to go back to what I originally said in pointing out that good can exist without evil. The duality you're speaking of is simply not enough to cover everything. What is good, what is right, can always exist on its own, forever, completely independently of anything that is evil or wrong.
ReplyDeleteDuality doesn't work because evil, hate, bad, incorrect, whatever you want to term the opposite end of a dualistic spectrum, can only exist as a corruption of the "good" end of the spectrum. There is no such thing as evil for the sake of evil - all evil is merely a corruption of good. Good can exist on its own. Evil cannot. The incorrect cannot exist without the correct, but the correct can exist without the incorrect.
Are there other options? Certainly. But the other options only exist as deviations from the Truth.
And as for the creation account of the Bible... If you're taking it literally as a historical account of how the earth was created, you're missing the point of the story in the first place.
We have made no progress in your education Aaron. Time to go back to sleep.